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Personal Blog

Molestias quasi molestiae aut sed sint. Inventore nobis aut eaque qui temporibus. Qui labore voluptatem neque placeat eos earum. Rerum enim pariatur reiciendis culpa eaque aut.
Lessons from My First Web Development Job
Design Portfolio Lessons from My First Web Development Job

Reflecting on my first web development job, the lessons I learned, the challenges I faced, and how i...

My Journey in Open Source: 3 Years of Contributions
Personal Blog My Journey in Open Source: 3 Years of Contributions

A personal reflection on my experiences contributing to open source projects over the past three yea...

Why I Love Contributing to Open Source Projects
Personal Blog Why I Love Contributing to Open Source Projects

A deep dive into why open source matters to me, how it helped me grow as a developer, and why every...

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